Really interesting study of economic situation of students

The New York Times has an article along with an online interactive data set exploring the economic background and salary trend of students at a variety of schools. It buys hard into the fallacious connection that is all the rage these days that what you do in college is somehow the prime determinant of your …

University of Washington struggles with salary policy

Here’s an article about faculty at the University of Washington trying to work on a policy to address salary compression. We have salary compression at Guilford, to be sure, and we also have other issues, many of which are bigger and more pressing than theirs. One major parallel: I see writ large in UW’s proposed …


(shared by Vance Ricks, recommended for posting by Lisa McLeod ) An interesting essay on how the current student protests are framed by the media and by their opponents: The Profound Emptiness of Resilience, by Parul Sehgal

Why college costs so much

Some interesting journalism on college costs this week. First, an op-ed in the New York Times with some interesting perspective from Paul Campos, a law professor and former administrator: Click to read Second, a rebuttal/critique of this piece by Jordan Weissman, a journalist with Slate: Click to read

Thank you, and last call on the needs assessment

Hi folks! Thank you to all faculty who have participated in the Instructional Tech Needs Assessment. If you haven’t had a chance, please take the 2014 Faculty Needs Assessment of Instructional Technology by this Friday, January 23. We will be sharing an executive summary of the results with all of you in the near future, …

Please participate in the Faculty Instructional Technology Needs Assessment!

Please participate in the 2014 Faculty Needs Assessment of Instructional Technology, a collaborative effort of Library Research & Educational Services and Faculty Development. This assessment should take about 15-20 minutes to complete, and your responses are anonymous. Instructional Technology is critical to teaching and learning, and this survey concerns your experiences with and perceptions of …

New on Library Website: “Avoiding Plagiarism” resources

The faculty librarians have put together a library guide for students about how to avoid plagiarism, how and when to cite sources, and the consequences of plagiarism as written in Guilford’s Honor Code.  All these resources can be found by clicking on Citation Guides from the library homepage, and the plagiarism-specific materials are located on …

President’s reporting sessions on the college budget and financial planning

Jane asked me to inform the community that, following the October trustee meetings, she will present budget information and strategies to the community at two sessions on Wednesday, October 22. One session will be at 8:30 a.m. in Bryan Auditorium in Frank, and the other will be at 1:30 p.m. in the Moon Room in …

Potential increased incidence of sexual assault during January Term

(The following was e-mailed to me by Gail Webster and is shared with her permission) I heard a report on campus sexual assault on the radio this morning, and wonder if this report might be a topic of discussion for the Moon Room blog. The interesting finding of a study by a professor at Bucknell …