Please post any new ideas or comments on existing suggestions for Guilford’s new QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan) here. For more information about the QEP process, and to read the proposals already submitted, please visit Guilford’s QEP site at
You may comment here using your name, or you may comment anonymously. If you have questions about the QEP process or want to communicate privately, please contact members of the QEP selection committee.
- Sandy Bowles (Campus Life)
- George Guo (Curriculum committee representative, Political Science)
- Joseph Holmes (CCE student)
- Wendy Looker (Assessment Committee representative, Music)
- John Madden (Traditional student)
- Steve Shapiro (Clerk’s Committee representative, Physics)
I think all of these suggestions are fantastic. I believe that a QEP situated around the themes present in item 2 “Learning / Teaching Modalities” including Experiential learning, Innovative pedagogies/active learning and Technology across the curriculum is the one I believe meets the most acute needs of most of our students as they enter the post-college world.
The young graduates walking across the stage each spring will all be facing questions through job interviews, graduate school interviews and other conversations that are focused heavily (and sometimes even exclusively) on their experience. We will serve these young professionals better when we are able to make as much of their education rich with experience as is practical.
There’s a world of literature supporting experiential learning, but implementing it throughout the campus will take re-thinking our roles in the education process. This often calls for a shift in what we mean by educator to move even more intentionally into andragogy, teacher as partner, learning environment design and world-as-lab thinking. This can be hard work, but there are many talented faculty and also many talented co-educators in academic and student affairs roles willing and able to support this work.
I also strongly believe that technology (while important) should be intentionally situated at latter stages (chronologically) of any QEP, to give space for straight-forward basic assessment of what faculty / co-educators may need as they embark in this different thinking. I have seen far too many institutions get enamored with a new tool that meets needs that had never (had rarely) been articulated in advance of the introduction to the tool.
As I have thought more about suggested topics, I keep returning to the revitalization of the Gen Ed curriculum. I actually find it to be the most inclusive and think that many of the other ideas can be part of it (internships, study abroad and global education, undergraduate research, service, wellness, etc.). I also like it because it seems to be in confluence with Jane Fernandes’ wonderful articulation about the mission of Guilford College (“practical liberal arts”). It seems a topic around which to build unity across the campus, although many perspectives and views will be brought to bear on it. Also, as was mentioned, we already are beginning this process- and it is both necessary and long overdue. AND, we have to make sure that we have in place a process for assessment already for SACS (so we will have a means for assessment). Finally, given our limited resources, it seems the most productive way that we can use those resources for the benefit of the entire community- but especially our students.
Do you think we can move fast enough to satisfy the QEP schedule, Betty? What is your vision?
The following is from Joey Wilkerson, Director of Philanthropy at Guilford, who met with Guilford’s Board of Visitors:
Thanks so much for reaching out to get some feedback from the BOV. We spent some time at their last meeting reviewing some information and got some feedback from them. I am going to send them the link now for them to provide feedback on their own, but thought I would share what came out of the meeting with you.
Side note – is there somewhere online that has information about the last QEP? I think that would be helpful for them to see as they think about their feedback.
The bulk of the feedback from the group was related to communication. They really felt like students entering the work force now struggle with this more than anything else. The major areas they felt that schools should be focusing in terms of teaching them were…
– Writing – especially as it relates to writing for business rather than research. They really liked the idea of continuing writing as the focus of the QEP. Writing was one of the greatest weaknesses they felt recent graduates brought to the work place.
– Personal communication and communicating across generations
– Communicating with groups vs. individuals – students have to be able to communicate one-on-one and in a large group (presenting) and they feel like a lot of new graduates are missing this.
The other area their conversation drifted towards was global literacy. They felt like this was one of the most important issues impacting business and other areas today. If students want to get jobs they have to be able to work in a global community and have some knowledge about working with other cultures and the global economy. They were interested in seeing how we can enhance Guilford’s global education.
These were the top two areas they spent their time on. I will send the link out today so that others may review and provide feedback.
Thank you so much
The following is from Bryson McKinney, a member of the Board of Visitors:
I just want to give my one cent opinion regarding the Quality Enhancement Plan. In the business community many employers are looking for recent graduates that have the intangible skill of “working within a team.” With that in mind, I would like to see the QEP topic revolve around collaboration efforts between students, students and faculty, and students and the Guilford community.
Thanks, Bryson
Please give this a read! Why can’t we look at curricular changes PLUS faulty workload/compensation reform! This is a school that did it all at one time and they are thriving!
Image this not just as undergraduate research but as engaged learning efforts (independent studies and small group studies).
Please let me know what you think!
And I thought that the embedded website would come over but I’m not sure it did….
The comments after that article give some interesting alternate perspectives to what happened at that school. I think (hope) we can do better.
Wow, Don, you’re right, there are some strikingly different takes on the New Jersey experience in those comments.