The organizers of the Day of Testimonies would like to provide the opportunity to comment on the DoT Report (available here) and/or to share your testimonies based on the four queries that were used to organize the event:
Here are the four queries:
- What do you love about Guilford?
- What are you struggling with at Guilford right now?
- What does Guilford do well that we need to keep doing? What does the institution need to do to grow and change?
- If you could meet with the Board today, what would you ask them to do now to ensure Guilford survives/thrives/becomes its best self?
Important guidline: Please share your testimonies focused on your experiences without calling out individuals by name when possible.
Your comments may be held for moderation by DoT organizers if you have not posted on the site before.
For more information, please contact Julie Winterich at
While there may be restrictions on the board being “Hands on”, I do think the Board should make it a top priority to find ways to fully understand and engage with the community that they are governing. Guilford’s recent leadership problems of the last 4 years can be attributed, in large measure, to a disconnect between the board/administration and the community (students, faculty and staff). I was both troubled and heartened by what I heard in the IDS presentation. There is so much hope for Guilford but ramming through projects (for example, a pre-mature presidential search) and initiatives without the buy-in of stakeholders is dangerous. The Board needs to truly practice the Quaker form of governance and leadership. The fact that decisions are made by consensus is only part of the picture. What the Board does not practice is a bottom up form of governance. And there needs to be an intention on the part of every Board member to find a way to practice that.
I do not trust the Board as a whole. Parts of the Board continue to function in the same manner that they did under Jane and Carol. This has to change for the college to truly move forward.