From Vance: Request for comments from those in support of calendar change

Vance Ricks sent me an e-mail looking for ways to provide a discussion space for those who support and are excited about the 12-3 change. We agreed that a Moon Room post might be a good place to help facilitate that discussion. He wrote up the following and asked me to post it for him. …

The Next Equity Challenge

Beth Rushing sent out a link to this article, and I thought I’d link to it here. Some interesting information on how faculty need to move towards consciousness of effective teaching methods and mentorship for diverse students and away from the “color blindness” model that many think is good enough. The Next Equity Challenge by Estela …

Two more examples of XD

[From Kathryn Shields]   Here’s a link to this year’s student projects from stanford’s XD program:   And here’s a link to stanford’s popular “bootcamp bootleg” describing their d-school methodology used in/for a wide range of projects:

Two examples of XD applications

[From Mark Dixon] Example #1: User Design in nonprofit (suggested by alumni Wendy Lam who works in UD for UNICEF): Within experience design, there is a set of methodologies and research methods that focus on the needs of people. It’s commonly called human-centered design or ethnographic research. That research could be highly technical or ethnographic depending …

What I learned about the new consulting project

I and other faculty members of SPOC (formerly SLRP) met with the consulting group from the Art and Science group (website here: ) yesterday. I learned about this initiative along with the rest of you in the last week, so it’s come on quickly. Because of that, I thought I’d take some time to report …