On the value of the liberal arts and sciences
Without liberal arts and sciences, America’s foundation crumbles By Frederick Lawrence, former President of Brandeis University. The Hill, Dec 1, 2016 via Heather Hayton
Without liberal arts and sciences, America’s foundation crumbles By Frederick Lawrence, former President of Brandeis University. The Hill, Dec 1, 2016 via Heather Hayton
An interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that may change how you think about salaries and college majors. Also, what’s up with international relations? Wow. Good News Liberal-Arts Majors: Your Peers Probably Won’t Outearn You Forever by George Anders, September 11, 2016
[From Heather Hayton] A Washington Post blog post by Cecilia Gaposchkin on how the historical roots of liberal arts education makes it not just relevant but essential today. The article title isn’t really what it’s about, but it’s a good read. Why the tech world highly values a liberal arts degree
From Heather Hayton – An essay on the nature and value of arts and humanities. Don’t turn away from the art of life By Arnold Weinstein (Brown University), in the NY Times
[from Heather Hayton] A Harvard Medical School professor makes the case for the liberal arts and philosophy By David Silbersweig at the Washington Post
From former faculty member Heather Mitchell-Buck: A 21st-Century Education