Darryl Samsel’s ideas for curriculum changes

In our last meeting, Darryl mentioned a simpler curriculum model he had developed. He sent this to LAGER and to me in March shortly before spring break. Because others have not seen it, and it was discussed, I asked if I could share it here. I’m including the three documents he sent me and his introductory e-mail below.

In Darryl’s e-mail to Kyle, he wrote:


I met with Lavon this week on the curriculum and she encouraged me to send my suggestions to you for the committee’s perusal. Attached are documents for suggested curriculum changes. The suggested curriculum mostly follows the LAGER curriculum (I forget which model) and fixes all of the problems raised so far. This is for the committee but may be modified and shared with the faculty if the committee wants to.

The modifications are to:

1. Make it simpler and more elegant
2. Make it more flexible (ie more choice)
3. Address the difficulty in defining CIPs by suggesting one default or overall CIP as Global Understanding Macro View which allows very important questions/problems to be addressed in a interdisciplinary way. Other “CIPs” could be added.
4. Provide a place (but does not require) for current “Critical Perspective” type courses in the Global Understanding Micro View area
5. Include the learning goals (GELOS) addressed in each area
6. Include the writing QEP assessment places
7. Include the presentation QEP assessment places
8. Include the design principles from Art & Science as communicated by Jane

The documents attached are:
1. Snapshot
2. Condensed Curriculum for Students
3. Curriculum Elements and Course Design for Faculty
I will make myself available for discussion whenever needed.


Curriculum elements and course design for faculty

Condensed Curriculum for Students

Snapshot of Curriculum