A Message from Faculty Affairs Committee

Upcoming deadlines related to faculty promotion, spring 2016: January 4, 2016: Nominations for promotions are due to the Academic Dean (email to ado@guilford.edu) January 19, 2016: Names of 3 extra-departmental colleagues and 3 students due to the Academic Dean’s office (so we can solicit letters) February 12, 2016: All materials for promotion files are due …

A Message from Faculty Affairs Committee

As chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, I am writing to bring your attention to the upcoming deadlines for submitting review materials. Letters for colleagues nominated for second-year reviews will be due Monday, September 28 by 5:00 pm. Letters for fourth-year reviews will be due Friday, November 20 by 5:00 pm. (The Beacon mistakenly listed …

Update on Clerk’s Committee Activities, April 13th and 20th and this week

Clerk’s Committee met on April 13th and April 20th to evaluate the requests for tenure-track positions that we received from a variety of departments and programs of the college. Zhihong Chen and Sherry Giles recused themselves because their departments made requests, and Garland Granger replaced Sherry on the committee as BPS representative. Zhihong is on …

Update on meetings with academic dean search consultant

Hi, all – I thought I’d follow up my e-mail last night with information from the meetings I attended with the search consultant, Tom Courtice. First, I have a complete list of the people he met with now. He met with Jane, Kathy Adams, Adrienne, me and Rob Whitnell, Bob Jones (the chair of the …