Mimi Smith-DeCoster submitted the following announcement for the community:
Based on the preliminary results of the 2014 Faculty Survey of Instructional Technology, many faculty noted their interest in a space for our community to share ideas, ask questions, and build community with peers to support our use of technology for innovative, student-centered learning. To support this stated need, the Research and Educational Services team is launching a listserv called TLT (Technology for Learning and Teaching) Co-op–and we’ll also host workshops and other ways fostering dialogue and support for faculty. If you are interested and engaged in trying new technologies that support teaching and learning (e.g. Moodle, PollEverywhere, Google Apps, etc.) please join this group at https://groups.google.com/d/
forum/tlt-co-op. Contact Mimi or another member of the RES team if you have questions.