LAGER Committee Summer Update
On Saturday, June 4th, seven members of the LAGER Committee and Academic Dean Beth Rushing traveled to Boston University to attend the American Association of Colleges and Universities Institute on General Education and Assessment. During the five days of the institute, the team attended workshops with experts in the many areas of General Education and Assessment, participated in group cluster sessions in which we received feedback from Institute faculty as well as other participating institutions, presented our Guilford College poster, developed an action plan for the work ahead, and continued to develop the working details of the Guilford Curriculum draft proposal. The committee members returned to Greensboro on Wednesday, June 8th, and will be meeting throughout the summer to continue the development of the draft proposal. We will continue to keep you updated on our work throughout the summer. Please feel free to contact us with questions and suggestions at, or contact any of the members of the committee directly.
Thank you for all your hard work and creative thinking and for giving up so much time this summer!