LAGER Committee Minutes 9/15/16
Present: Kyle (chair), Caleb, Lavon, Melanie, Stephanie, Barb (FYS), Drew (recording), Damon
- Minutes from 9/8/16 were approved
- Old business
- Feedback from Dept. Chairs meeting
- Meeting did not happen
- Feedback from Dept. Chairs meeting
- Barb Boyette
- Chair posed question as to what aspects are important to a first year experience?
- Do not eliminate some sort first year experience program
- Currently FYS/FYE
- Common content course a positive
- Common intellectual experience
- High impact practice
- Easier for registration purposes
- Common intellectual experience
- Some aspects of current courses – in terms of content – need to continue
- Content vs. developmental aspects of course
- Emphasis on advising
- Training for FYS profs prior to teaching
- Connections to resources on campus
- Specific elements that aren’t dealt with elsewhere
- Time management
- Sexual assault awareness
- Etc.
- Do not eliminate some sort first year experience program
- Chair posed question as to whether a year long experience was a positive in terms of best practice. What would be some things that could be covered over a full year?
- Think beyond registering for Spring. Develop a four year plan with advisees. Takes time and work.
- New thing in FYE – everyone creates a resume
- In terms of common course
- Build in use of library
- How to research
- Possibly send them away/abroad
- Include a community service aspect
- This suggestion is in line with previous discussions of the committee in terms of what might occur within the Gateway experience
- Question posed about the role of interdisciplinarity in the current FYS? Does this matter as much when students first arrive? Do they know what discipline means yet?
- Concern with that – students do not understand what a discipline is when they enter college.
- Positive aspect of interdisciplinarity
- Students not stuck doing just one thing
- Again – issues with registration – students choosing courses and not really knowing
- Eckerd Human Experience – two course sequence that all students take first year
- Concern about a fully common course
- Common course
- Would need common assignments, etc.
- Issues now with equity between FYS courses in terms of difficulty, workload, etc.
- Is there a middle ground
- A course with common outcomes, assignments, etc
- Taught by faculty across disciplines
- Common course
- Current footprint reflects including FYE concepts into the Gateway experience
- Question about the possibility of Gateway faculty working in teams of 3 or 4
- Each responsible for their own cohort of maybe 20 students
- But also able to bring their discipline to bear for the entire cohort
- In terms of incorporating FYE instructors
- Compensation and their time – currently only teaching one credit
- Those staff are currently engaged and enjoy working with their students
- If we want to do something phenomenal
- We need more than one year to put together a really great common course
- Specifics of Design of Gateway can be addressed in detail following approval of overall design
- Barb has left the meeting
- Chair posed question as to what aspects are important to a first year experience?
- Rationale document (“mapping narrative”)
- Could this be multiple documents?
- Separate by each section
- Core Values document
- Best practices
- Hot button issues
- Have each document hyperlink off of catalog language page, landing page, hot button page
- Suggestion to add frequently asked questions at bottom of landing page
- Links within the current catalog language
- Separate by each section
- FAQ webpage
- Separate narrative rationale
- What are the next step(s)
- Possible Questions
- Why a GenEd revision?
- What is the process of that revision?
- Why a Gateway Experience?
- Why common to all students?
- Why two semesters?
- Where is ________ in the new curriculum?
- Many aspects of old curriculum were standalone courses/requirements
- Now integrated throughout.
- Examples – HP, QL,
- Structure has changed, not the outcomes – based on GELO’s
- Could this be multiple documents?
- Committee spent time editing/discussing Catalog Language document
- Discussion arose about research and the catalog language
- Not mentioned by name
- Implicit in terms of outcomes
- Needs to be explicit in the description of Gateway Seminar, etc.
- Research should be integral to our thinking
- Discussion arose about research and the catalog language
- Draft Catalog language document approved
- Implementation Guide is approved as a Draft – language will continue to be edited
- For next week
- Thursday meeting held for work on the FAQ document
- Implementation Guide revisit
- Ideas for faculty meeting
- Group sessions
- Each member of LAGER meets with a small group recording questions on google doc on laptop
- One member projecting questions, organizing, triaging
- Group sessions
- Scheduled meeting for Sept 27, 10:15am, for faculty meeting prep
- Meeting ended 12:09pm