Final LAGER Committee Minutes 8-25-16
Present: Kyle (chair), Suzanne, Melanie, Drew (recording), Damon, Lavon
Meeting opened at 10:10am with a moment of silence
- Discussion of feedback from opening community meeting
- Feedback was minimal
- New points of discussion
- Quantitative Literacy
- Not a part of the current catalog language
- How to visualize integrated QL across curriculum
- Discussion of need to be able to describe how current curriculum elements live on in the new curriculum, or if they do not, what is the rationale for the change
- Question of student choice of Gateway course, or not
- FYS informs that students become frustrated when they do not get the FYS of their choice
- Having a more uniform course with many common elements – a set of places to choose from to cover in the course, to create choice but some common experiences, would eliminate this frustration among students
- Quantitative Literacy
- Discussion of Mapping document
- Include the charge from the curriculum review committee that was approved by faculty
- Link statistics related to dissatisfaction with current curriculum to design elements of the new curriculum
- Consider what we need to write, what is persuasive, that moved the committee towards the design we have created
- What resources would suggest to the faculty that diversity, for example, can be integral part of the design
- Targeted conversations can occur later in the process – how to define diversity, how to include intentional discussions, etc.
- Discussion of Draft Proposed Implementation Guide
- Mentions user design – do we need to define? Should this be included in another place – more descriptive
- Section on allocation of faculty positions – this is based on existing catalog language – should there be a rethink of academic organization/structure – this would fall to the Academic Dean’s office
- Suggestion to include hyperlinks or embedded image links of referenced sections of the catalog or handbook
- Discussion to invite the Clerk of faculty to our meeting, to discuss how to best schedule the move of proposal through to Clerk’s and ultimately the general faculty
- Meeting closed at 11:20am