LAGER Committee Minutes 4/5/16

Final LAGER Minutes 4/5/16


Present: Damon, Lavon, Suzanne, Melanie, Kyle(chair), Caleb, Drew(recording)


Regrets: Jennie, Dale


    1. Meeting opened with a moment of silence 9:35am
    2. Minutes from 3/29/16 – approved with no edits


  • Drew will post to MoonRoom


  1. Scheduling for remainder of semester
    1. Extend Tuesday 9:00am meeting time till 11:00am beginning next week
    2. Second half of meeting time will be used for Team breakout
    3. Suggestion to revisit team membership
  2. Remaining meeting dates for remainder of semester
    1. Tuesdays 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3
    2. Faculty meetings: 4/20, 4/27(likely called meeting)
  3. Suggestion to set Fall meeting time before end of this semester
    1. Committee members should add their away time this summer to the LAGER google calendar
  4. James Shields from the Bonner Center has joined the meeting
    1. The Bonner Center for Community Service and Learning
      1. Charged with creating civic engagement opportunities for all students – CCE, Trad., ECG
      2. Not limited to the Bonner Scholars students
      3. Beyond Scholars program – Committed sites, creating partnerships with community partners, not just community service sites
      4. Sites cover broad issues, based on needs of the community
      5. Guilford competing with the other five colleges/universities in Greensboro for community engagement
      6. Guilford niche – refugee and immigrant community
      7. Each service site is coordinated by a student
        1. Week of advance training
        2. Map out plan
        3. Community scholars program – any student with federal work-study
      8. Two fellowship programs
        1. To reach out to non-Bonner scholar students
        2. Two Hunger Fellows
          1. Stipend
          2. 140 hours of work per semester
          3. Bring awareness to issues of hunger – homelessness, etc
        3. AIDS Fellows
          1. This work has changed over the years
          2. Changing to Public Health Fellows
      9. Anyone who walks in the door
        1. Conversation about academics, passions, etc., to find where that person would best serve
        2. Faculty – bringing service learning to courses
    2. Relationship between Bonner and PPS
    3. Bonner Center
      1. Observed by some as extra-curricular
      2. Bonner prefer to be viewed as co-curricular
        1. One piece of an efficient liberal arts education
        2. Bonner students only as good as the faculty on campus
      3. Bonner
        1. Wants to work with students to improve interpersonal skills
        2. Wants to have a measurable impact on the community
        3. Committed to creating a culture of service on campus
      4. Retention and Success
        1. Bonner works hard to bring first years in
        2. Keeps them here
        3. Gets them to graduation on time
        4. Students motivated by the process
        5. Students become
          1. Community activists
          2. Researchers
      5. Place based
        1. Bonner work based in Greensboro
      6. Bonner in comparison w/ Communities of Practice
        1. 60 Bonner Scholars in the program
        2. Projected 100 students in a Community
        3. Mirrors somewhat the structure that would be needed
      7. Bonner helps students find their vocation, not their occupation
  5. Meeting closed with a moment of silence 10:28am