Final LAGER Minutes 2/23/16
Present: Kyle(chair), Lavon, Melanie, Dale, Suzanne, Damon, Jennie, Caleb, Drew(recording)
- Meeting opened with a moment of silence 9:05am
- Minutes from 2/16/16 were approved with no edits.
- Action Item – Drew will post to the MoonRoom site
- Senate President received and was enthusiastic about our suggestion for moving forward incorporating student voices on the Teams moving forward
- Feedback
- how to organize feedback from meetings with depts., emails, incubator events?
- discussed importance of archiving all feedback
- March Faculty Meeting Discussion
- Working Document in Google Drive
- Clerk has suggested we should seek some sort of approval or support from faculty of the general Footprint before moving into the heavy work of the smaller Teams
- Question as to how much detail to include. Too much detail will likely make the proposal unapprovable. Most details are not set, still up for much discussion
- Useful to have something approved in order to work towards gaining outside financial support/grants.
- Currently document is asking for a statement of support in the process moving forward, not in the footprint itself
- Suggestion to seek approval of the concept of the Footprint, not the footprint itself
- move away from discussion of courses and only talk about place based learning, space
- What will students be able to do? What will students know?
- Important to continue to explain and describe what communities of practice are/could be. And to explain how much flexibility this concept contains.
- We need to encourage exploration of the current model in order to discover productive feedback, instead of just asking for critiques
- Suggestion to continue to build trust around this process
- Clerk’s needs to know by Friday what we intend for next week’s faculty meeting so they can approve it.
- Discussion of what we really hope to achieve on March faculty meeting. What is realistic? Approval of general concept? Only provide feedback from the Lunch/Incubator session from 2/24?
- GELO’s
- problems with the current GELO’s, especially in terms of assessment, have been discussed previously in this committee
- more work needs to be done to align the footprint the current GELO’s
- minor adjustments to the GELO’s may need to be considered to promote better assessment
- Agenda Items for next week
- Senate Meeting 3/7/16
- Action Item
- new meeting time for this week – 8:30am-9:30am(ish…) Thursday
- will discuss March faculty meeting plan
- new meeting time for this week – 8:30am-9:30am(ish…) Thursday
- Meeting closed with a moment of silence 10:18am