Final LAGER Committee Minutes 11/19/15
- Minutes from 11/12/15
- Approved – Drew will post to Moon Room site
- Debrief from Incubator and Forum sessions from 11/18/15
- Issues raised in small groups
- perceived bias among criteria presented
- 3 vs 4 credit issues
- faculty workload
- class sizes
- keep or revamp the GELO’s
- multiple entry points – enrollment issues
- transfer students
- CCE/adult
- question how to balance building an aspirational curriculum that works for multiple constituencies
- multiple tools for requirements
- GenEd requirements
- Graduation requirements
- themes
- blobs
- team teaching/core group of faculty
- Standardized Testing/assessment
- Discussion of Senior assessment in IDS
- these numbers have dropped since 2012
- Issues raised in small groups
- Moving forward with the heatmap from charts created in the forum from 11/18/15
- committee will present outcome at Dec. faculty meeting
- Action item: Damon will create heatmap of forum charts
- Action item: Caleb will contact Senate about possibly including this activity on their meeting soon
- Issue raised about lack of diverse representation
- awareness of lack of diverse representation on LAGER
- lack of diverse representation in Forum
- committee desires to be inclusive and incorporate ideas from all groups on campus
- suggestion to reach out to Eva Lawrence from Diversity Action Committee
- Jennie will contact Eva
- AAC&U Summer Institute Application
- Action item – Stephanie and Melanie will work on this
- Due Feb. 12
- Action Item: Approved shifting of funding to send Suzanne, Stephanie, and Lavon to Feb. AAC&U conference
- Action Item: Drew will serve as Faculty Away/Abroad contact for the committee
- Approved: Draft Calendar for Revision Process
- Action Item – share calendar at Dec. Faculty Meeting
- Meeting closed with a moment of silence
P.S. Action Item: Drew will create Doodle Poll for Committee Spring Schedules and Jan Term