LAGER Committee Minutes 11/19/15

Final LAGER Committee Minutes 11/19/15

    1. Minutes from 11/12/15


  • Approved – Drew will post to Moon Room site


    1. Debrief from Incubator and Forum sessions from 11/18/15
      1. Issues raised in small groups
        1. perceived bias among criteria presented
        2. 3 vs 4 credit issues
          1. faculty workload
          2. class sizes
        3. keep or revamp the GELO’s
        4. multiple entry points – enrollment issues
          1. transfer students
          2. CCE/adult
          3. question how to balance building an aspirational curriculum that works for multiple constituencies
        5. multiple tools for requirements
          1. GenEd requirements
          2. Graduation requirements
        6. themes
          1. blobs
          2. team teaching/core group of faculty
        7. Standardized Testing/assessment
          1. Discussion of Senior assessment in IDS
          2. these numbers have dropped since 2012
    2. Moving forward with the heatmap from charts created in the forum from 11/18/15
      1. committee will present outcome at Dec. faculty meeting


  • Action item: Damon will create heatmap of forum charts
  • Action item: Caleb will contact Senate about possibly including this activity on their meeting soon


    1. Issue raised about lack of diverse representation
      1. awareness of lack of diverse representation on LAGER
      2. lack of diverse representation in Forum
      3. committee desires to be inclusive and incorporate ideas from all groups on campus
      4. suggestion to reach out to Eva Lawrence from Diversity Action Committee


  • Jennie will contact Eva


    1. AAC&U Summer Institute Application


  • Action item – Stephanie and Melanie will work on this


        1. Due Feb. 12


  • Action Item: Approved shifting of funding to send Suzanne, Stephanie, and Lavon to Feb. AAC&U conference
  • Action Item: Drew will serve as Faculty Away/Abroad contact for the committee
  • Approved: Draft Calendar for Revision Process
  • Action Item – share calendar at Dec. Faculty Meeting


  1. Meeting closed with a moment of silence


P.S. Action Item: Drew will create Doodle Poll for Committee Spring Schedules and Jan Term