LAGER Committee Minutes 10/6/16

Final LAGER Committee Minutes 10/6/16


Present:  Kyle (chair), Darla, Caleb, Melanie, Lavon, Damon, Drew (rec.)


  1. Minutes from 9/29/16 were approved
  2. Questions moving forward
    1. How many majors/programs already require a specific QL?
    2. Which documents should be edited moving forward, which are locked?
      1. Shared docs from 9/29 faculty meeting should be locked – no longer edit
  3. Questions/conversation from 10/5/16 forum
    1. Concern that CiP’s could become major lite with rigid requirements
    2. Current design has a minimum requirement for CiP’s, but no maximum? Should it be a set number, or should there be a range, a maximum?
    3. Concern again about making breadth requirements within a CiP too prescriptive, not allowing for a range of experiences.
    4. How many students double major? Somewhere around one third of students who graduated last year were double majors.
    5. Concern that larger CiP’s would not work for large major or double major students. Or that large major/double major students would only fit in a few smaller communities.
    6. Need to better communicate that faculty will be designing CiP’s not having them assigned
    7. Need to better communicate that CiP’s will be working with large ideas, not just one area, or one location
    8. Concern about two credit seminars and credit load, could result in dropped courses – students being under 12 credits, etc
    9. Concern about visibility of QL, writing sequence, in the new design, etc – different from the current discrete course requirements
  4. To Do Lists – Possible Next Steps
    1. Workshop idea
      1. For designing CiP’s
    2. Weekly drop in meetings with a LAGER rep
    3. Meeting with Curriculum and Assessment committees
  5. Nov 2nd Faculty meeting