LAGER Committee Minutes 10/29/15

Final LAGER Committee Minutes 10/29/15


Kyle (chair), Lavon, Caleb, Melanie, Drew (recording), Damon, Suzanne, Dale, Jennie, Stephanie – present


    1. Meeting opened with a moment of silence
    2. Welcome to new members – Caleb Anderson, Dale Koch
    3. Update on budget
      1. Dean has approved some elements of the budget – document updated to reflect
      2. travel to AACU Summer Institute in Boston approved
      3. travel to AACU GenEd conference in February not approved


  • Jennie will discuss possible funding from PPS with Mark
  • Melanie will discuss possible funding from Faculty Dev. with Kathy Adams


    1. Update on grant possibilities
    2. suggestion to work with Dean to determine other GenEd related work being done on campus
      1. concern about multiple groups working without coordination
      2. concern that this will impact LAGER committee’s work in future
      3. need for a document/timeline of all projects going on that may affect GenEd


  • create document to keep track


    1. Keyword whiteboard activity
      1. members shared keywords pulled from the following:
        1. Academic Principles/Quaker Education
        2. General Education Revision Committee Notes (2014-2015 committee) & faculty survey report
        3. DQP/LEAP
        4. AAC&U/LEAP
        5. Grants
        6. Mission Statement/GELO’s/Core Values/Website
      2. common themes/keywords that appear
        1. Global/Local – ‘Glocal’
        2. Community
        3. Guilford/distinctive
        4. Values/Principles/Quaker
        5. Engaged/Experiential/Active
        6. Sustainability & Community
      3. what’s missing?
    2. Discussion of activity for Nov. Faculty Meeting time
      1. create word cloud


  • Damon will create table of keywords and their origin documents – will send to committee members for review
  • Kyle will contact Dave about committee’s plan for meeting, will get approval for student members to attend


    1. Other action steps:


  • Kyle will contact Joyce to get powerpoint from Jane’s presentation


  1. Discussion of calendar moving forward will be moved to next week
  2. Meeting closed with a moment of silence