Final LAGER Committee Minutes 10/29/15
Kyle (chair), Lavon, Caleb, Melanie, Drew (recording), Damon, Suzanne, Dale, Jennie, Stephanie – present
- Meeting opened with a moment of silence
- Welcome to new members – Caleb Anderson, Dale Koch
- Update on budget
- Dean has approved some elements of the budget – document updated to reflect
- travel to AACU Summer Institute in Boston approved
- travel to AACU GenEd conference in February not approved
- Jennie will discuss possible funding from PPS with Mark
- Melanie will discuss possible funding from Faculty Dev. with Kathy Adams
- Update on grant possibilities
- suggestion to work with Dean to determine other GenEd related work being done on campus
- concern about multiple groups working without coordination
- concern that this will impact LAGER committee’s work in future
- need for a document/timeline of all projects going on that may affect GenEd
- create document to keep track
- Keyword whiteboard activity
- members shared keywords pulled from the following:
- Academic Principles/Quaker Education
- General Education Revision Committee Notes (2014-2015 committee) & faculty survey report
- Grants
- Mission Statement/GELO’s/Core Values/Website
- common themes/keywords that appear
- Global/Local – ‘Glocal’
- Community
- Guilford/distinctive
- Values/Principles/Quaker
- Engaged/Experiential/Active
- Sustainability & Community
- what’s missing?
- members shared keywords pulled from the following:
- Discussion of activity for Nov. Faculty Meeting time
- create word cloud
- Damon will create table of keywords and their origin documents – will send to committee members for review
- Kyle will contact Dave about committee’s plan for meeting, will get approval for student members to attend
- Other action steps:
- Kyle will contact Joyce to get powerpoint from Jane’s presentation
- Discussion of calendar moving forward will be moved to next week
- Meeting closed with a moment of silence