LAGER Committee Minutes – 10/1/15

Final – GenEd Revision Committee Minutes 10/1/15


Present – Jennie Knight, Lavon Williams, Melanie Lee-Brown, Damon Akins, Suzanne Bartels, Kyle Dell – Chair, Drew Hays – recording


Regrets – Stephanie Hargrave, Caleb Anderson – student rep


Meeting began with a moment of silence 8:36am, Quaker Village Starbucks


    1. First item – welcome to new members
      1. discussion of committee structure and timeline of when committee members were informed of their service, creation of good vibes
      2. discussion of this committee’s status as Ad Hoc or Special
        1. unclear – but assumption is Special Ad Hoc
          1. membership controlled by Clerk’s
          2. not a standing committee
          3. faculty still released from other service while serving
      3. New set time for committee meeting – Thursday 8:30-10:00am


  • Action item – Damon will contact Clerk’s committee about student representation/scheduling needs


    1. Discussion of the committee charge and moving forward
      1. clarification that the all items in the original charge, though approved by faculty, are not guaranteed
        1. Example – budgetary support, course releases, etc.
      2. committee reviewed original charge from the report generated by the Ad Hoc committee, Spring 2015
      3. Suggestion of the need for a grant writer to apply for federal grant to support long term process of revision
        1. need support for this
      4. discussion of timeline of revision
        1. if support grant is pursued and obtained – would likely come in Fall 2016
        2. concern how this will line up with the current charge and two year timeline
        3. concern raised about the realistic possibility of revision in two years
    2. Budget
      1. discussion of budget proposal developed by committee
      2. revised budget has been shared with Academic Dean
      3. Problem raised – need for a funding strategy


  • Action item – Stephanie, Melanie, and Suzanne will create funding strategy – will present to full committee upon return from Fall Break
  • Action item – Kyle will share thoughts about the chair position with Stephanie


    1. Discussion of committee make-up
      1. suggestion to be very aware of groups that are not currently represented by committee membership – need to reach out to many groups across campus not currently represented
        1. Student life, Diversity Action/Multicultural, CCE
    2. Committee Presentation on Faculty Meeting, Wednesday October 7
      1. remind faculty of committee’s charge
      2. update on current committee discussions
      3. present ways that faculty can contact this committee, email, etc.
      4. solicit feedback, discussion
    3. Ideas for starting point,
      1. Send out to the community a question
        1. Example – Who on campus is living out Guilford’s Mission and why?
      2. the process for creating new GenEd is about conversation, not structure
      3. Other questions:
        1. What do we believe our strengths are? How can we enhance those?
        2. What are things we aren’t doing, or could do?


  • Action item
  • Chair will reach out to Clerk about meeting with community and committee in November
  • Damon, Lavon, Jennie, and Drew will discuss content/plan for this [November] meeting