Enrollment Report as of May 9

Here is the most recent report from the Enrollment division on the incoming first-year class. The data set we’ve been watching is below. After that, we have a second table with a comparison on several statistics between the incoming 2016 first-years and the group which deposited in 2015. Finally, we have a look at some more detailed demographic information.

Arlene writes:

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and congratulations on meeting/exceeding our Fall Traditional 2016 deposit goal. Along with the regular numbers, thought that you might want to know a little bit about the profile of the class.




Click any image for a bigger version.


  • The SSP is the Student Success Program which helps students transition to college.
  • The numbers are slightly different between the tables because the middle table comes from May 6 numbers while the others are from May 9.


  1. What is the % of athletes in this incoming class? What is the % comparison to previous freshmen classes?

  2. Garland Granger

    Do we know the discount rate for the students who have made deposits?

  3. Arlene has the official discount rate, but I think it’s around 55%, higher than our target. That may change as students add and subtract themselves, and Arlene’s also working on covering some of the discount out of endowed scholarships (which are treated as revenue and would reduce the rate) rather than through institutional aid (which is not revenue and makes up the discount).

  4. Michelle: I am working on a report as regards new incoming athletes to accompany next weeks’ numbers. Stay tuned!
    Garland: As of today we have a discount rate of 56.7 for new incoming students. Certainly higher than we’d hoped. Sure, it will fluctuate between now and the beginning of classes, The big picture goal is to have an institutional discount rate at 55%. We are a little below that for returning students (today). Hopefully, when everyone is settled on census date in October, we will be at or below 55% As Dave has suggested, we will make up a little of this through the use of using endowment funds to replace institutional dollars.
    If we can keep new student enrollment at or above 400 we should be fine even with the higher discount rate due to tuition revenue.