Clerk’s Committee Meeting
January 26, 2016
Attending: Dave Dobson (Clerk), Steve Shapiro (Natural Sciences and Math), Kathryn Shields (Arts), Alex Ricks (SGA Representative), Beth Rushing (VP and Academic Dean, recorded minutes for this meeting), Sarah Estow (Social Sciences), Gwen Erickson (Recording Clerk), Lisa McLeod (Humanities, recorded minutes for this meeting), Sherry Giles (Business, Policy, and Sport Studies), Sadie Hunter (Student Senate Representative)
The Committee gathered in silence at 1:00 p.m.
- Committee Replacements.
- Compensation committee request to have Jim Hood serve on the sub-committee led by Len Sippel. Jim Hood had previously been on the committee and has agreed to serve (He was replaced by Hiroko).
- Barbara Lawrence will replace Tom Guthrie on Strategic Planning and Oversight Committee; this is a standing committee so needs faculty approval.
- Len Sippel has requested that a faculty member serve on the IT&S director search committee. Rachel Riskind has been recommended. Approved.
- Approved minutes from Clerk’s Committee meeting of December 9, 2015
- Reviewed minutes from Faculty Meeting of December 2, 2015
- For discussion: Restructuring of committees
- Discussion of existing standing committees, possibility of laying down some committees that are perhaps no longer needed to continue as standing committees. We recognize the need to continue faculty representation and participation in College governance in meaningful ways. Clerk’s agreed to propose to the faculty that the following committees be eliminated as standing committees (effective Fall 2016): Education Policy Committee, Community Life Committee, Technology Advisory Committee, and Education Studies Committee. The suggestion is that we ask these committees to identify the functions they currently fulfill, so that Clerk’s can reassign those functions to remaining committees or possibly to new committees.
- Discussion of divisional representation on committees (standing and ad hoc). Can we relax the requirement for divisional representation? Which committees might still need to have divisional representation? Clerk’s, FAC, Curriculum seem like committees that would most need some kind of divisional representation. We will bring this forward for discussion at the February faculty meetings
- Potential restructuring of departments and divisions, and compensation for service. Clerk’s is starting to review the current structure of departments and divisions. We will bring this to faculty for discussion at a faculty forum.
- For discussion: Agenda for February 3 Faculty Meeting. Clerk’s discussed and approved the agenda for the February 3, 2016 faculty meeting.
The meeting closed in silence at 2:18
Submitted by: Beth Rushing