Sorry, approval of these were delayed a week or two because we couldn’t get access to them to approve them.
Clerk’s Committee Minutes
Thursday January 11, 2017 8:30 am
In attendance: Frank Boyd (recording these minutes), Eva Lawrence, Dave Dobson (clerk), Alfonso Mancheño, Darryl Samsell, Jill Peterfeso, Don Smith , Kathryn Shields
- The committee began the meeting with a moment of silence at 8:37
- Frank Boyd was approved to take minutes.
- The committee discussed the lunch meeting with faculty from the LAGER group regarding their memorandum. The committee wants to reach out to faculty colleagues who have questions or expressed concerns about the proposal that is under discussion. There also was some discussion of the substantive issues that were raised in the meeting.
- The committee also devoted some time to discussing the forthcoming Faculty Meeting that and the substantive issues with the Learning Collaboratively proposal that merit attention.
- We discussed catalog language for academic probation for students that would establish specific, graduated thresholds for students in each year of their education at Guilford. This effort builds on the work that Clerk’s Committee and Beth conducted in the Spring, as well as drawing on the policies of our peer and aspirant institutions.
- The committee discussed the charge for a reformed Budget Committee. We agreed that the new charge has the potential to support a more robust and recursive exchange of budget information at Guilford, something that the committee agreed is crucial for our work.
- The meeting closed with a moment of silence.