Clerk’s Committee Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2017

Clerk’s Committee Minutes

Thursday November 9, 2017 8:30 am


Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda

  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence 2 minutes
  2. Figuring out who’s doing the minutes (Alfonso?) 1 minute
  3. Approval of Minutes from 11/2 2 minutes
  4. Items for follow-up 5 minutes
    • Status of study leaves for 2017-18
    • SACS report
    • ADO web page
  5. Review of faculty meeting on November 8 20 minutes
  6. Potential topics for November 29 Faculty Forum 5 minutes
  7. Ongoing discussion of pressing issues 30 minutes
  • Committee structure, stipends, and compensation
  • Calendar and schedule change proposal & Edge work


Close in silence


Meeting Minutes

Minutes from November 2 were approved.

Items for follow-up:

  • Status of study leaves 2017-18: we are still waiting for formal announcement and awarding of these. All applications were recommended and passed along.
  • SACS report: it seems the report details will be made available for in-person viewing in the President’s office.
  • ADO website
  • Note: the SACS report and ADO website info were only briefly mentioned in our meeting, as Frank Boyd was traveling and not at the meeting.


Review of faculty meeting on November 8

Clerk’s committee was interested in more details about the retention numbers and reasons for declining retention. We wondered about the competing narratives that we’ve heard about reasons for declining retention numbers. There does not seem to be a shared sense of which students we’re losing or how many of them or why.

There were questions about the future plans/ideas for CCE, especially since Arlene did not get a chance to talk about that much at the faculty meeting. One member of Clerk’s reported that CCE students are hearing conflicting messages about the future of CCE, from different Guilford VPs. There was also discussion of CCE’s tuition model.

We discussed that we would like more information and chances to ask questions (for example, of Ara and Arlene), but we have to be cognizant of not turning faculty meeting into a series of reports from Vice Presidents.

This discussion led to another discussion about how faculty can come together, proactively and not simply reactionarily, and have a conversation about the chasms that emerged during the LAGER debates. We started to wonder if we could use the faculty forum for that.

In thinking about the new calendar/schedule, Clerk’s doesn’t see enough energy and optimism among faculty for this. It seems that it’s not worth faculty time to keep discussing this, e.g., in faculty forums, etc.

Ideas for framing faculty forum: making it clear we need representation from every part of faculty; ask “what can you imagine doing with the resources you have?”;

Clerk’s committee homework: how can we frame questions for the upcoming faculty forum, to ensure energy and participation