Clerk’s Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday August 18, 2016 1:00 pm
Attending: Dave Dobson (recording), Sherry Giles, Alfonso Abad-Mancheño, Beth Rushing, Eva Lawrence, Jeff Ray, Don Smith, Gwen Erickson, Kathryn Shields
New Committees Google Drive Account
The committee discussed the new Google Drive-based system being worked out for recording committee meeting agendas and minutes
Requests from Jane
The committee discussed two requests for faculty service on ad hoc committees from Jane Fernandes. For the Strategic Facilities & Space Planning Committee, Clerk’s committee approved recommending that Robert Duncan, the faculty-approved representative of the Space Committee, serve in this capacity. For the adjunct faculty representative for the Compensation committee, the Clerk reported on the three volunteers received so far, and Clerk’s had a preliminary discussion and agreed to wait to see if more volunteered.
Plans for implementing unanticipated tenure-track faculty searches this year
Beth described the change in circumstances that allows us potentially to perform searches this year, even though we had thought last year that there would be no possibility for new tenure-track hiring. Clerk’s agreed on a shortened proposal schedule to allow departments enough time to begin searches this year. That schedule is as follows:
- by September 7, 2016: Notify the Clerk that you intend to propose a search.
- by September 23, 2016: Position requests to be submitted electronically to the Clerk.
- by October 8, 2016: Clerk’s Committee communicates its recommendations to the president.
Clerk’s agreed that Dave should send an announcement to department chairs and that Clerk’s members should spread the word in their divisions.
Agreement on Clerk’s Committee discussions and areas of confidentiality
Dave introduced Clerk’s recent practice for meeting confidentiality. This is:
- All discussions and topics are considered open and non-confidential unless specifically noted as confidential
- As a general rule, we avoid mentioning in minutes and in outside discussions the names of Clerk’s members who spoke, people we discuss, or people who communicate with us unless their role or position would be necessary, important, or obvious in those discussions.
- Beth indicated that because she is Dean, we can name her when talking about Clerk’s meetings and business.
Planning for meeting and discussion topics for the year
We reviewed the list of topics and assigned meeting dates to some of them as follows:
- Final QEP approval – Aug 31 faculty meeting
- Compensation policy – Sept 28 faculty meeting
- Faculty review procedures and tenure and promotion standards – discuss at Aug 31, forum on 9/14, seek approval 9/28
- General education revision – Sept 28
- Anti-Racist Advocacy Workshop report – Aug 31, with Beth organizing
Review of upcoming meeting schedule
The committee approved the upcoming meeting topics as follows
- Faculty meeting 8/31 – QEP, Maria Rosales request, New Marketing minor, Intro to tenure and promotion changes. Details of schedule to be worked out at next Clerk’s meeting
- Faculty forum 9/7 – Advancement – Ara Serjoie to run
- Faculty forum 9/14 – Discuss tenure and promotion proposals and standards.
- Faculty meeting 9/28 – LAGER, approval for other Tenure and promotion changes, Compensation policy if available
- Forum time 10/5 – LAGER has requested
We also discussed the proposed LAGER schedule, and it seemed workable.
- Contact with Clerk’s early in semester
- Distribute curriculum to faculty 9/21 (3 parts – catalog info, rationale, implementation)
- Discuss at faculty meeting 9/28
- Respond to changes at faculty meeting 11/2
- Seek approval for catalog info 11/2
- Full approval later by April 2017
The meeting closed in silence at 2:15 pm