Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda, August 18, 2016

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda

Thursday August 18, 2016 1:00 pm

  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence 5 minutes
  2. Agreement on Clerk’s Committee discussions and areas of confidentiality 5 minutes
  3. New Committees Google Drive Account 5 minutes
  4. Requests from Jane 5 minutes
    1. Faculty for Strategic Facilities & Space Planning Committee
    2. Adjunct Faculty for Compensation committee
  5. Plans for implementing unanticipated tenure-track faculty searches this year 10 minutes (see Announcement, Worksheet, and Data from past years)
  1. Planning for meeting and discussion topics for the year 30 minutes
    1. QEP
    2. Compensation policy (please review Moon Room page)
    3. Faculty review procedures and tenure and promotion standards (please review Moon Room page)
    4. General education revision (see LAGER planning e-mail)
    5. Committee oversight – especially Awards, Enrollment, IRB as new committees
    6. New majors or programs (e.g. UX/XD?)
    7. Reaccreditation topics
  2. Review of upcoming meeting schedule                                10 minutes
    1. Faculty meeting 8/31
    2. Faculty forum 9/7
    3. Faculty forum 9/14
    4. Faculty meeting 9/28
    5. Possible forum time 10/5
    6. LAGER schedule
      1. Contact with Clerk’s early in semester
      2. Distribute curriculum to faculty 9/21 (3 parts – catalog info, rationale, implementation)
      3. Discuss at faculty meeting 9/28
      4. Respond to changes at faculty meeting 11/2
      5. Seek approval for catalog info 11/2
      6. Full approval later by April 2017
    7. Request from Ara for advancement forum time on 9/14 or 9/7
  3. Close in silence