Clerk’s Committee Agenda, Friday, October 31, 2014

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda Friday October 31, 2014 2:30 pm

  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes
  2. Approval of Minutes from October 24, 2014 – 2 minutes
  3. Guest Discussion: Faculty role in Serendipity issues – with Jose Oliva – 15 minutes
  4. Review of minutes from October faculty meeting – 5 minutes
  5. Review of honorary degree nomination – 5 minutes
  6. Discussion of president’s community meetings, including status of position requests – 10 minutes
  7. Topics for faculty meeting on November 5 – 20 minutes
    a. General Education Curriculum – new approach; response to concerns?
    b. Biotech major – ready for discussion?
    c. Report from Board of Trustees meeting – necessary?
    d. Other topics?
  8. Guest Discussion: Proposed Biotech Major – with Michele Malotky – 13 minutes
  9. Meeting assessment and closing silence – 2 minutes

• Jose requested the opportunity to speak with us, and I thought it would be good to hear what he has to say, although Clerk’s has no direct role in Serendipity.
• Michele can meet with us, but she will be coming from a departmental meeting with the President. She says that should be over by 3:30, which would leave her 10 minutes or so to speak with us if we end on time.