Clerk’s Committee Agenda for October 21, 2016

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda

Friday October 21, 2016 11:30 am


  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes

  2. Approval of Minutes from 9/16 meeting – 2 minutes

  3. Faculty Meeting review for 9/28 – 5 minutes

  4. Faculty forum review for 10/5 – 5 minutes

  5. Faculty for Ara’s task force to improve gift and endowed fund reporting – 5 minutes

  6. For review: Study leave requests – 20 minutes

  7. For discussion: Diversity Action Committee – 10 minutes

  8. Review of Committees from Liaisons (list here) – 10 minutes

  9. Student Request for Election Day – 5 minutes

  10. Close in silence