Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda Monday April 6, 2015 8:30 am
1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes
2. Approval of Minutes from March 30, 2015 – 2 minutes
3. For review: Minutes from faculty meetings – 10 minutes
a. Meeting March 4, 2015
b. Called Meeting March 25, 2015
4. For approval: Proposed changes to handbook – Academic Honor Code policy – 10 minutes
5. For dicussion: Review of April 1st Faculty Meeting – 10 minutes
6. For dicussion: Topic for April 8th – Forum or called faculty meeting? – 10 minutes
7. For discussion: Restricting access to the Moon Room website – 5 minutes
8. For discussion: Plans for position request work – 10 minutes
Please review statistics provided by Stephanie Hargrave and IR
9. Closing silence