Clerkâs Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday March 22, 2016 1:00 pm
1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes
2. Approval of Minutes from March 8, 2016 – 2 minutes
3. For approval: Ad hoc awards committee – 10 minutes
4. For discussion: Service compensation model – 10 minutes
5. For discussion: Potential FAC process and standards changes – 10 minutes
6. For approval: Faculty handbook new appendices L & M – 5 minutes
7. For approval: Faculty Meeting Agenda for 3/30 – 20 minutes
Possible items:
a. Report from Assessment committee (SACS requirement)
b. LAGER (requested 5 minutes)
c. MA in Criminal Justice
d. Safe Harbor or alternative
e. JTAC report and possible faculty consensus recommendation
f. Response to demands from Integrity for Guilford (Bob W. request)
g. Reassigned committee jobs and new assigned scholarship review group
h. Report from BOT meeting (Tim gone)
i. FAC procedural changes and future efforts
j. Service compensation model
k. Faculty handbook new appendices (L&M)
l. Approval of committee slate for 2016-17
Close in silence