Clerkâs Committee Meeting Agenda Monday March 9, 2015 8:30 am
1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes
2. Approval of Minutes from March 2, 2015 – 2 minutes
3. For discussion: Moving the September faculty meeting to Sept. 9 for FDC event – 5 minutes
4. For discussion: Proposal to revise English majors – 15 minutes
5. Review of recent events and discussions – 30 minutes
(with an eye toward faculty governance, morale, and information distribution)
a. March 5 Faculty Meeting
b. Meeting with Dean Search Consultant
c. Weekend curricular retreat
d. Ongoing budget restructuring process
6. Using our remaining faculty times (April 8th, open slot April 29th) – 10 minutes
7. Closing silence – 5 minutes