Richie Zweigenhaft recommends this Inside Higher Ed article on an upcoming paper by Wake Forest business professor Douglas Beets studying BB&T’s grant program (which Guilford accepted) which requires the teaching of objectivist writer Ayn Rand’s work. Richie says:
“I think some faculty and administrators might find this article, based on an article written by Douglas Beets, a professor of business at Wake Forest, of interest. Beets’ article is titled “BB&T, Atlas Shrugged and the Ethics of Corporation Influence on College Curricula,” and appeared in the Journal of Academic Ethics. The article I have linked below was featured a few days ago in Inside Higher Education. It helps place Guilford’s Ayn Rand grant in the larger constellation of the BB&T Foundations many grants to colleges that included stipulations that students be required to read Atlas Shrugged. Guilford gets mentioned in Beets’ article, but not in the Inside Higher Education article.”
Here’s the article:
Banking on the Curriculum, By Colleen Flaherty
October 16, 2015