The current description of promotion is contained in just one section, section 2.500. It does not list any particular criteria for tenure an promotion other than to refer to the four criteria, which is a significant problem for FAC to make consistent decisions. The section reads as follows:
2.500 Promotion
Nominations for promotions in academic rank normally originate with the department chairpersons, or in the case of a chairperson with the Academic Dean, except that any member of the faculty, other than the person nominated, may originate such a nomination after he/she has consulted with the chairperson of the department of the nominee and the Academic Dean. Any nominator indicates in detail in a signed letter to the Academic Dean and the FAC why she/he thinks the nominee is worthy of promotion, showing how the nominee fulfills the criteria (see 2.340 – 2.344). Recommendations are made for promotion by the Academic Dean, the FAC, and the President. Final decisions are made by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the President. If the recommendation concerning promotion is not unanimous, the opposing arguments shall be stated in writing and communicated to the Academic Affairs Committee. If the final decision is not to promote, the Academic Dean will supply a written explanation to the faculty member. When final action on promotion differs from the recommendation of the FAC, the President will provide the Committee with a written explanation of the decision.
Normally, a faculty member without a terminal degree will not be promoted above the rank of instructor. Exceptions may be made for meritorious service or unusual professional experience and accomplishments judged to be an adequate substitute for the terminal degree. The College recognizes that in some disciplines the appropriate terminal degree may not be the doctorate. The earning of any degree, however, is never the sole basis for promotion in rank, except promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor by virtue of completing the Ph.D.
Guilford College does not adhere to a system of automatic promotions after a specific time of service in rank. Neither is there a rigid quota system. Promotions are based on merit. In judging merit, the President, the Academic Dean, the FAC and the faculty as a whole have agreed to guidelines described in “Review Criteria” (2.340).
Here is the proposed draft revision to this section. It breaks down this section into several parts and includes criteria for promotion to associate and to full professor. Most of this comes from FEP (2008) with some modifications from FAC (2016).
2.500 Promotion
Guilford College does not adhere to a system of automatic promotions after a specific time of service in rank. Neither is there a rigid quota system. Promotions are based on merit. In judging merit, the President, the Academic Dean, the FAC and the faculty as a whole have agreed to guidelines described in “Review Criteria” (2.340).
2.510 Promotion to Assistant Professor
Criteria for promotion to assistant professor include (a) a terminal degree appropriate to the teaching appointment, (b) previous teaching experience, and (c) strong evidence of potential for growth as a teacher and scholar/artist. Faculty are promoted from Instructor to Assistant Professor at the start of the first academic year after they have earned the appropriate terminal degree. The College recognizes that in some disciplines the appropriate terminal degree may not be the doctorate.
Normally, a faculty member without a terminal degree will not be promoted above the rank of Instructor. Exceptions may be made by the Academic Dean, after consultation with members of the relevant academic department, for meritorious service or unusual professional experience and accomplishments that they consider to be an adequate substitute for the terminal degree.
2.520 Promotion to Associate Professor
Faculty are typically promoted to assistant professor to associate professor when they are awarded tenure. Criteria for promotion to associate professor include (a) a terminal degree, (b) completion of at least five years of teaching at the college level at the assistant professor rank, (c) demonstrated scholarly and/or creative achievement, (d) high quality academic advising, and (e) a record of demonstrated service to the college community.
Promotion to Associate Professor signals that the faculty member under review has met the criteria for tenure set out in Section 2.340 (“Review Criteria”). There are two exceptions to this policy. First: in cases where the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Academic Dean, and the President believe it justified, they may decide to recommend a faculty member for tenure but not for promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor. In such cases, the Academic Dean communicates the decision in writing to the faculty member, explaining why promotion was not recommended and conveying specific recommendations for how the faculty member can better meet the criteria for promotion. Second: whether previously tenured elsewhere or not, faculty with sufficient previous teaching experience elsewhere (as determined by the Academic Dean and by the members of the relevant departments), may begin their appointment at Guilford as untenured faculty with the rank of Associate Professor. Any such arrangement must be stated in the faculty member’s initial letter of agreement from the Academic Dean’s office.
2.530 Promotion to Full Professor
Faculty are promoted from associate professor to full professor when they are able to demonstrate substantial and sustained achievement in teaching, and marked or sustained excellence in at least two of the other areas set out in section 2.340 (“review criteria”), since the promotion to associate professor. Criteria for promotion to full professor include (a) a terminal degree, (b) completion of at least five years at the rank of associate professor, (c) sustained excellence in teaching, (d) continued record of peer-reviewed scholarly or creative activities, (e) excellent advising, and (f) excellent service to the college community, including leadership roles.
2.540 Endowed Professorships
Each endowment establishes its own criteria. Endowments require recommendations of the Academic Dean and President and approval by the Board of Trustees.
2.550 Emerita/Emeritus Status
On recommendation by the Academic Dean and President, Faculty who are retiring from Guilford may receive the designation “emerita”/”emeritus” as an addition to their rank at the time of retirement. Faculty eligible for those designations must have taught at Guilford for at least 10 years before retirement, and during that time have exemplified both the highest standards of the profession and distinguished service to the Guilford community.
2.560 Process for Promotion to Associate and Full Professor
Tenured faculty members may stand for promotion at any time when they have met the criteria for promotion. To be considered for promotion, the faculty member should notify the academic dean and their department chair in the spring semester prior to the FAC review. Candidates for promotion, along with the academic dean’s office, should provide to the FAC the same set of materials that are part of a formal review, as set out in section 2.310 (“materials included in the review and information gathering responsibilities”). Recommendations are made for promotion by the academic dean, the FAC, and the president. If the recommendation concerning promotion is not unanimous, the opposing arguments shall be stated in writing and communicated to the academic affairs committee of the board of trustees. Positive recommendations for promotion are forwarded by the president to the academic affairs committee of the board of trustees, for consideration by the full board. Final decisions are made by the board of trustees on the recommendation of the president. If the final decision is not to promote, the academic dean will supply a written explanation to the faculty member. When final action on promotion differs from the recommendation of the FAC, the president will provide the FAC with a written explanation of the decision.