Clerk’s Committee Agenda for October 26, 2017

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda

Thursday October 26, 2017 8:30 am

  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence 2 minutes
  2. Figuring out who’s doing the minutes (Frank or Eva?) 1 minute
  3. Approval of Minutes from 10/5 2 minutes
  4. Items for follow-up: 5 minutes
    • Availability of SACS report
  5. For review: Minutes from faculty meetings on Sept. 6 and Oct. 4 5 minutes
  6. For discussion: Committee structure, stipends, and compensation 30 minutes
  7. For discussion: Proposed revisions to academic calendar 30 minutes


Close in silence


Remaining Wednesday Dates for Fall 2017:

November 1 – Faculty Forum (QEP/UDL)
November 8 – Faculty Meeting
November 29 – Faculty Forum
December 6 – Faculty Meeting