[From Karrie Manson]
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your support and patience this semester as we begin to re-imagine our approach to career planning and advising as part of the “Teaming for Success” work of the Guilford “Edge.” As we plan for the future, we have appreciated collaborating with you, local community members and alumni in a more immediate effort to plan a “Career Action Week” and an Opportunities Fair for this semester.
Career Action Week, March 26–30: Each day this week there will be at least one offering for students (and any interested faculty and staff) to assist with academic and career planning. The full list of “Career Action Week” events is here.
Opportunities Fair, April 4, 2 to 5pm, Hege Library: Companies, nonprofits, and volunteer agencies plus study abroad and fellowship programs will be represented in addition to quite a few alumni representing a variety of professional areas to network informally with students. We will also host a virtual session with 10+ alums from major metropolitan areas around the country to engage in a Q&A with students from 3 to 4pm in the Idea Incubator. Here are links to the list of participants and list of short bios to date.
We ask your support for these events by
Sharing this information with students in your classes this week
Offering class time, if possible, for students to attend
Attending some of the events, particularly the Opportunities Fair to meet and greet our alumni and community partners.
Thank you for helping to make these offerings successful. Please contact Karrie if you have questions, comments, input.
Kind regards,
Karrie Manson
In addition to committee members, special thanks to Chelsea Cromartie, Rebekah Funicello, and the Career Development student employees for making these events possible.