Ad hoc Admission Committee Meeting
September 28, 2015
8:30-9:30 a.m., Career Center, King 108
Attending: Steve Shapiro, professor of physics, Michael Dutch, professor of business management, Alfonso Abad Mancheno, associate professor of foreign languages, David Hildreth, professor of education studies, Kami Rowan, associate professor of music, Arlene Cash, vice president for enrollment management, Cyndie Basinger, assistant to vice president for enrollment management, Jeannine Harrell, Admission tour guide, and Erin Kelly, director of admission
Steve opened the meeting and reviewed the agenda. The Clerk’s Committee will meet tomorrow to review the request for Arlene to share information about changes in Admission and for fall open houses at the full Faculty Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Steve anticipates this will be approved and will confirm with Arlene following the meeting.
The campus visit experience was discussed. Based on a personal experience last year, the initial reaction was less than favorable. Items shared were:
- Information session had already started when they arrived at their scheduled time
- The counselor read from notes which were placed on the floor
- The slideshow on the screen was out of date
- Information shared indicated most majors take 5 years to complete; Education was highlighted
- No discussion on why they should attend Guilford; little information on academics or student involvement opportunities
- Slack follow-up after the visit
- Dorm room was messy and no other room was shown as a comparison
- Comment made was, “If I didn’t know Guilford already, I would have left after the presentation.”
Positives were:
- Tour guide was spectacular
- Parking and welcome sign
- Admission counselor was great once the student was connected to him
- Basketball coach was welcoming
Another person who visited a year prior had a positive experience.
The communication flow needs to be addressed from automated emails to the admission package and financial aid letter timing. All communications need to be timely, accurate and personal.
Arlene said the Admission focus is on communicating the academic rigor and affordability for students. The Open House events and tours are now designed to send a strong academic message. She said we have used the Hobsons’ software poorly and need to invest in training for staff. It has basically been used for mail merging and not to its full potential. The information video has been replaced with five YouTube videos about Guilford.
Roger Degerman is helping collect alumni stories from a broad-range of ages and breadth of experiences. We would like to collect information that is attractive to parents and share outcomes, such as Quake Talks.
Faculty can help by sharing information about their graduates over the years, not just recent alumni. Alumni Office should be able to also provide contact information. Between alumni and faculty connections, we can gather an array of information ranging from top CEOs to meaningful volunteer work that alumni are engaged in in their communities.
It was suggested using Hobsons to send periodic e-newsletters to graduates by academic departments. If faculty could provide facts, Marketing could then draft and send an informative and interesting communication.
Admission should be aware of where exciting things happen on campus based on major of interest. Beth Rushing is working to make sure key departments are represented at the Open House informational fair. Arlene will draft a memo to division chairs informing them of the opportunities for connecting with students during the Oct. 23 Open House. She will send this to Steve for distribution.
The next meeting will be October 26 at 8:30 a.m. in King 108.