Ad hoc Admission Committee Meeting
September 21, 2015
8:30-9:30 a.m., Career Center, King 108
Attending: Steve Shapiro, professor of physics, Barb Boyette, assistant academic dean, Michael Dutch, professor of business management, Alfonso Abad Mancheno, associate professor of foreign languages, David Hildreth, professor of education studies, Kami Rowan, associate professor of music, Arlene Cash, vice president for enrollment management, Cyndie Basinger, assistant to vice president for enrollment management
Steve opened the meeting and reviewed the agenda. He has asked Molly Anne Marcotte to seek a traditional student representative to the committee for their insight. Arlene will contact Steve Moran, CCE SGA Advisor, for a CCE student representative.
Initial review of Saturday’s Open House was favorable. Faculty comments indicated that Hege Library was preferable for the academic fair versus Ragan-Brown Gym. It was suggested that the major sheet handouts for the tables are not visually appealing and could use a marketing touch. Roger Degerman and Arlene will meet and look at options including a brochure for each major that is attractive and gives concise, yet essential information for parents and students.
Using the whole library (opening session in the Carnegie Room and table stations for the academic fair) worked very well. Seating in the Carnegie Room was at capacity (180 chairs) and may prove challenging for the October 23 Open House. Admission was and will continue to be more aggressive in outreach to registrants. We could do standing room only or cap attendance and encourage visitors to sign up for the November Open House. Arlene said presenting the best of Guilford trumps making adjustments. It is better to do things well than not show our best.
Several ideas were discussed, including:
- Cycle the welcome session into two parts and stay in Hege Library. Kami felt while smaller sessions add a more intimate feel, there is a sense of high energy with a larger group.
- Move the welcome to Joseph M. Bryan, Jr. Auditorium although seating is capped at 150.
- Use both Galleries on 2nd floor, Founders Hall for the academic fair.
Michael, David, Alfonso and Arlene said it was not off-putting in their personal experiences with college/school searches to be told an open house was at capacity and encouraged to attend another date or, to be put on a waitlist. Arlene said we could be proactive and use best judgment depending on the length of travel for a family and whether to encourage a later attendance date or not. While “melt” from event registrations is common, amazingly everyone who registered for the September Open House attended.
Planning for the October 23 Open House is well underway. We will use the model from September and add additional opportunities for faculty to meet with students. Highlighting the academic rigor is vital in designing the campus visit. Beyond the academic fair in the morning during registration, we could add more mock class opportunities for those departments that are class discussion based. We could also host division lunch meetings with students in the cafeteria and/or Gilmer Room from Noon-1 p.m. Following that, there could be an optional Meet the Faculty tours in the afternoon for departments. Some department facilities provide additional tour interest such as the sciences, art, music, and theatre. We can also be intentional in communicating that the curriculum is designed so students can explore other interests beyond their major, earning minors or even second majors.
Arlene would like department faculty to suggest knowledgeable students from their areas to lead the tours while faculty are welcomed to join in if they so wish. Parents would be encouraged to tour departments with their student. Important conversations occur on the way home for families following campus visits and we need to be intentional in creating those shared opportunities.
By offering these additional three faculty engagement options to the Open House schedule, there is time for 1-1 faculty interaction and group time for students and parents on department tours. Group interactions allow students to forge relationships with other students who share their interest and give parents a chance to share in their student’s experience.
Arlene will send a mock schedule to the Ad hoc Admission Committee for review. Please provide feedback through email.
Although time did not allow further discussion, Arlene shared that CCE will be hosting Transfer Tuesdays and will offer instant decision days where students can bring their transcripts and be evaluated for admission during the visit. Both adult and traditional students, along with parents, like structure; they want to be told you have x number of classes and these are the classes you will take.
Arlene would like to meet with faculty, along with Roger Degerman, to talk about the Open House schedule and brochure design ideas. Steve suggested this could be announced as an Ad hoc Admission Committee sponsored lunch. An outline/agenda for the lunch meeting would be sent to faculty in advance for their review.
The next meeting will be September 28, possibly at 8:30 a.m. in King 108. Steve will send an email confirmation. The individual campus visit for students and parents will be on the agenda.