Admissions Committee Minutes, May 9, 2016

Ad hoc Admission Committee Meeting

May 9, 2016, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Bauman 210-C

Attending: Steve Shapiro, professor of physics, Michael Dutch, professor of business management, David Hildreth, professor of education studies, Kami Rowan, associate professor of music, Garland Granger, associate professor of accounting, Holly Peterson, assistant professor of Geology, Arlene Cash, vice president for enrollment management, Erin Kelly, director of admission, Cyndie Basinger, assistant to vice president for enrollment management

Steve opened the meeting with a moment of silence.  The agenda continued the discussion on enrollment planning and possibly determine a committee chair for the next academic year.

The committee asked what we can do to assist in enrollment planning.  Arlene envisions this committee working on the admission component of the total enrollment plan.  Other groups are working on the retention and academic success components.  The committee is asked to help craft an internal enrollment vision statement.

The College Mission statement found both online and in the Academic Catalog was distributed to serve as a starting point for drafting an enrollment vision statement.  The committee suggests senior leadership revisit some of the language in the Mission statement including the sentences, “We are not perfect at this.” And, “We are a community at best in a perpetual state of becoming.”  It was suggested deleting the term “somewhat paradoxically” in the final paragraph.


The committee discussed the following draft internal enrollment vision statement: We will increase enrollment to support a more vibrant and creative learning community that is financially viable for the institution and enhance the academic profile of our student body.  Words shared were creative, active, engaged, supporting the viability of the institution, enhancing the profile.  A complete statement should incorporate the core values.  Arlene will continue to refine the vision statement.

It would be determined later what specifics are included in the academic profile such as geographic region, socio-economic factors, diversity, etc.  Also to be determined are specific goals and the timeframe for achievement.  Growth in enrollment (ultimate capacity) incorporates many factors including housing, budgeting, athletic recruiting and retention rates.   Separate goals for CCE may need to be developed.

Arlene will create a Google site for people to add suggestions to help inform goals.  Arlene could also post on the site throughout the summer any analyses that are completed, ASQ data and admitted student number updates.

We will wait until the first meeting this fall to decide on the committee chair.

The meeting was adjourned with a moment of silence.  Arlene will arrange for a poll to be sent out in the late summer or early fall to set the first meeting in the fall for the Enrollment Committee.