Ad Hoc Gen Ed Review Committee
Meeting Notes
April 17
- Moment of silence
- Looked at Google Doc of our report to see what edits have been done and what changes still need to be made
- Jim reported about his conversation with Dave Dobson. 4/22 Faculty Meeting was cancelled. There may be a meeting on 4/29 where we might present our report. We need to get the report to Dave by Monday, April 20th in order for Clerks Committee to look at it and decide at their 4/27 meeting whether they can include it in 4/29 faculty meeting.
- Looking at the Google Doc report, we discussed additional edits and who will do them:
- Summary of 2015 survey of faculty about the Gen Ed Curriculum—Richard will format this and the summary of the 2011 survey to correspond with each other and highlight commonalities and differences.
- Three areas of top concern in the current Gen Ed curriculum, based on surveys and data:
- Quantitative Literacy
- Foreign Languages
- Areas of medium concern
- HP/writing sequence—include Jim’s report about sequencing
- Critical Perspectivs
- Area of satisfaction/ little concern
- Breadth requirements
- #3: Student opinion data—NSEE, CIRP, Senior Survey, Course Evaluations from Gen Ed courses and Faculty date from FSEE—Stephanie will compile and analyze all of this and insert data relevant to the areas of concern in the report.
- #7 (faculty reservations about a Gen Ed Curriculum Revision) will be worked back in to #2 (2015 Faculty Survey report)—Heather
- Propsal for structure: separate Gen Ed department, with a faculty member as an administrator, who approves and administers all Ged Ed courses, requirements, etc.
- Recommended Timeline: Two years at the most, but focus on FYS/FYE first. It could be dramatically changed to be bold and help with retention and marketing, without changing the overall curriculum structure of Gen Ed.
- Appendices to be included: Joint Committee of Assessment and Curriculum Report, PPS, Experiential Learning, and Foreign Languages proposals that are “waiting in the wings” with Curriculum Committee, and Report from Curriculum Committee group that attended AAC&U conference on Gen Ed Revision.
- Marc will do final revisions. Robert and Jennie will review. Jim will do final review and send to Dave by Tuesday morning.