Ad Hoc General Education Curriculum Review Committee Agenda for Friday, March 27

Ad Hoc General Education Curriculum Review Committee

Friday, March 27

1:00 p.m.

Study Abroad/Career Development Conference Room, King Hall



  1. Moment of silence
  2. Determine note-taker rotation
  3. Approval of notes from last meeting 3/7/15
  4. Student survey—finalizing it, sending it out?
  5. Faculty survey—preliminary results, further analysis
  6. Report to faculty—continue assigning writing tasks (see outline below)
  7. Next meeting, Friday, April 3, 1:00 p.m., same location.

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Draft outline of Ad Hoc General Education Review Committee report:

I. Executive Summary with recommendation (major revision, minor revision, no revision)

II. State of General Education at Guilford College

  1. Mission, core values, strategic planning, and the curriculum (including president’s ideas)
  2. Guilford’s curriculum in relation to emerging trends in American higher education (include alternative strategies at other institutions)
  3. General education, recruitment, and retention
  4. General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) and current curriculum
  5. Effectiveness and appropriateness of current general education curriculum components
    1. FYS/FYE 101
    2. ENGL 101/102
    3. Historical Perspectives
    4. Quantitative Literacy
    5. Foreign Language
    6. Breadth requirements
    7. Critical Perspective requirements
    8. IDS 400
  6. Surveys of faculty and student opinion
  7. Recommendations, including a recommendation for process by which revision (if recommended) should occur

III. Appendices

  1. Survey results
  2. Details about other institutions (links to articles, etc.)
  3. Prior proposals re: general education (FL, Experiential Learning, PPS, Joint Committee report [2013-14] to faculty including possible gen. ed. models)