Ad Hoc Curriculum Review Committee Notes from April 3, 2015

Ad Hoc General Education Review Committee


Moment of Silence

Reviewed data from CIRP analysis.  Further analysis requested, including disaggregation of CCE and Traditional students, separation of levels of answers for interpretation.

Brief overview of NSSE data – work continuing on this

Review of analysis of Faculty survey results

Identification of “hotspots” of concern

Qualitative summary of satisfaction answers. General call to explore examples of schools who have successfully revised Gen Ed curriculum and schools who have not been successful to identify lessons learned.

Qualitative summary of dissatisfaction answers.

(All data online)

Discussion regarding FYE. We looked at Agnes Scott College website related to successful FYE program. Identified previous FYE programs that focused on leadership training and the idea of bookending the skills at the senior level in a capstone course.  It is clear that the current FYS process/program at Guilford is not working as there is no common syllabus and each faculty who agrees to teach it produces his/her own course.

Discussion regarding next steps and how to move forward with the task of the committee:

  • Continue with data analysis, including adding the Senior Survey and Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) data as appropriate.
  • The committee identified several “hotspots” in the curriculum that are clearly evident in the preliminary data:
    • Greatest Concern:
      • FYS/FYE
      • Foreign Language
      • Quantitative Literacy
    • Moderate Concern:
      • Historical Perspectives (writing sequence in general, particularly in the proliferation of Writing 101 courses taught that were not included in the original curricular design as presented in the English 101/102 trend data)
      • Critical Perspectives – most concern in diversity, followed by social justice and then interpersonal
      • IDS – concern that these are not as interdisciplinary as intended, no common outcomes
    • Of Least Concern:
      • Breadth requirements – generally responses were positive in this area
    • Timeline discussed
      • Tasks
        • Finalize report of data
        • Write Report
      • Due date
        • By end of April, to be presented at the last Faculty Meeting of the year
      • Guidelines and Ideas for structure of report
        • Create a short preliminary report to present to Clerks Committee. Ask for feedback to determine if a more robust report is necessary, or if a shorter report fulfills the requirements of this committee’s charter
        • There is clear indication that a revision is warranted
        • Report should suggest a method for revision without prescription – include committee structure and support necessary for success
        • Report should highlight key findings
        • Report should organize around the concerns identified above
        • Explore the necessity of mapping GELOs to curriculum
        • Explore the general education program at peer/aspirant institutions

Next meeting: 4/10/15 @ 12:45
