Ad Hoc Admissions Committee
10/1/14, Gilmer Room, 1:15-2:15
Present: Barb Boyette, Tom Guthrie, Heather Hayton, Kami Rowan, Steve Shapiro, Andy Strickler, Wenling Wang
- Minutes
The Committee approved minutes from 9/10/14
- Course Syllabi for Admissions
Steve indicated that all syllabi are available on our Share Space so that admissions can access it freely as needed.
- Division Meetings, Wednesday, 10/22/14
The question was put forth whether we should utilize these meetings, which only occur once per semester, in order to communicate ideas to colleagues about admissions. A discussion of possible topics ensued. It was suggested that we also approach the division meeting as an opportunity to invite faculty insights and feedback. This committee wants, very much, to create an open process that offers opportunities for healing divides and collecting faculty input. Specifically, this committee would like to be a vehicle that works to find faculty resources, aid admissions in their goals, and attempt to bridge any existing gap between faculty and admissions.
Our discussion about division meetings included the following points.
One suggested list of topics to present, or introduce, at Division Meeting was:
- Introduce that we have an ad hoc committee
- Explain that we’ve had outside consultants on campus to help us with suggestions about how to get more students and run admissions more efficiently.
- Offer suggestions, and collect feedback on, some points CREDO has charged us to with- ex. tours, class visits and Department plans.
- Ask for faculty input and feedback for ideas and things admissions-related
Andy informed us about what Admissions is looking toward for short-term future needs. He explained tours, individual dept. plans, and class visits.
Andy suggested the easiest thing to talk with faculty/divisions about is campus tours.
He suggested that if a faculty member sees a tour, they should:
- walk up, tour guide swill stop what they’re doing,
- introduce themselves
- say three things they love most about teaching at Guilford College
- Ask the question “What questions might you have for a faculty member?”
Individual Dept. Plans
We will most likely need one person per dept. to help admissions w/ content.
Things admissions need to obtain from departments:
- Overview of dept. philosophy – what makes that dept. different or set apart from other schools. What’s special? Special features -What are things beyond –ex. curricular, scholarships, events, opportunities, etc.
- Highlight the faculty –their work
- What are their outcomes – grad schools
- Student Stories
Class Visits
Admissions wants to move to the model of having 80% of students who visit campus sit in on a class. This involves admissions having a 20-30 class list every semester that are pre-approved for class visits.
Andy will ask Jane for the CREDO report to share w/ members of this committee.
- Purpose of Ad Hoc Admission Committee
The question “What is the purpose of this ad hoc Admission Committee?” arose out of the committee’s discussions during this meeting.
Discussion points/questions related to purpose:
- To serve Admissions?
- To serve as a liaison between Andy and faculty.
- What can we do w/ faculty at a limited expense?
- What role does the faculty on this committee play?
- Helping faculty connecting with the admissions process.
- Obtaining feedback from faculty
The committee resolved that we need to work on two levels
1. Short-term on things that need to be done now
2. Long-term with things that need larger and longer attention
- Future Discussion
Explanation of Admissions process from Andy
Minutes by Kami Rowan