Clerk’s Committee Agenda, November 7, 2014

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda                                                                   Friday November 7, 2014 2:30 pm

  1. Gathering and Moment of Silence – 3 minutes
  2. Approval of Minutes from October 31, 2014 – 2 minutes
  3. For approval: Annual Moodle Maintenance Schedule – 10 minutes
  4. Discussion: Review of November 5 Faculty Meeting – 10 minutes
  5. Discussion: Process for deferred 2014-15 searches – 10 minutes
  6. Discussion: Ad Hoc General Education Review Committee – 20 minutes
  7. Discussion: Committee Structure and Service at Guilford – 15 minutes
  8. Meeting assessment and closing silence – 5 minutes


  • QEP for Faculty Forum on Nov. 19
  • Prospect of addressing Biotechnology proposal at December Faculty Meeting