How to write your professors

[Link from Tom Guthrie] Everything here is good advice, except at Guilford our Quaker tradition makes some (note, only some, not all) faculty comfortable with first names and no honorific. How to email your professor without being annoying by Laura Portwood-Stacer, at, April 2016

Hiring faculty of color

An interesting article challenging assumptions in higher education hiring, by Marybeth Gasman, Penn State Professor of Education. The five things no one will tell you about why colleges don’t hire more faculty of color   [link from Don Smith]

Tweeting Your Way to Tenure

[Link from Beth Rushing] An interesting article from Inside Higher Ed highlights an American Sociological Association report on the proper (and expanding) role of social media and public communication in promotion and tenure decisions. Tweeting Your Way to Tenure  Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, September 8, 2016

Discussion Space: Hiring faculty at Guilford

One of the college’s core goals is to provide a welcoming educational home for a diverse student body. Another is to combat oppression and racism. To those ends, it would be helpful for us to hire faculty who share those goals of anti-racism and anti-oppression, and also one that more closely resembles our diverse student body. As we begin what …

The Next Equity Challenge

Beth Rushing sent out a link to this article, and I thought I’d link to it here. Some interesting information on how faculty need to move towards consciousness of effective teaching methods and mentorship for diverse students and away from the “color blindness” model that many think is good enough. The Next Equity Challenge by Estela …

Process for applying for study leaves

From Beth Rushing: If you are eligible to apply for study leave this year (to take study leave in the 17-18 academic year), please submit a request for study leave to your department chair no later than September 1. Your request, along with your chair’s recommendation, will be due to me no later than September …

Racial Literacy as a Professor’s Responsibility

[From Beth Rushing] Beth Rushing highly recommends this article in Inside Higher Ed today. It describes a keynote speech given by Shaun Harper at the University of Pennsylvania at a recent AAUP conference and also other sessions at the meeting. Racial Literacy as a Professor’s Responsibility  By Colleen Flaherty, June 20, 2016

Clarification on compensation policy with regard to non-tenure-track faculty

Some questions have come up on how the proposed compensation policy might affect part-time, temporary, and non-tenure track faculty. Here’s what I think the situation is now: For part-time faculty, compensation is handled using the new compensation structure implemented by Beth last year. This is as follows: $4000 per four-credit course. $1250 per one-credit course. $2500 per two-credit …

University of Washington struggles with salary policy

Here’s an article about faculty at the University of Washington trying to work on a policy to address salary compression. We have salary compression at Guilford, to be sure, and we also have other issues, many of which are bigger and more pressing than theirs. One major parallel: I see writ large in UW’s proposed …