Recent history of traditional student enrollment and tuition revenue

During a recent Budget Committee meeting, we discussed the delicate balance between enrollment, institutional financial aid, and net revenue. Inspired by this discussion, I explored the data in our Guilford Factbook put out by the Institutional Research department, and I came up with the following graph which might be helpful in understanding some of our current financial issues. …

Update: Request for budget information at the last faculty meeting

During the presentation by Elwood on the May Trustees meeting at the September 1 faculty meeting, some faculty members indicated a desire to see more information on the budget situation facing us for 2014-15. In response, I’ve been trying to get the details of the potential deficit situation released immediately, but it looks like that will …

Clerk’s Committee Agenda, Friday September 12, 2014

Clerk’s Committee Meeting Agenda                                                               Friday September 12, 2014 2:30 pm Gathering and Moment of Silence 3 minutes Approval of Minutes from September 5, 2014 2 minutes Assignment of Clerk’s liaisons to standing and ad hoc committees 5 minutes For approval: Revision to Sec. 1.402 of Faculty Handbook (Assessment Committee) 10 minutes (Document carried forward from 2013-14) …

Update on revised standards for tenure and promotion

There has been an ongoing effort for quite a few years now to revise our procedures and standards for faculty review, including tenure and promotion, in the faculty handbook.  These have culminated in a number of revisions being approved by faculty and sent on for final approval to the trustees. The trustees have accepted some of …

Potential increased incidence of sexual assault during January Term

(The following was e-mailed to me by Gail Webster and is shared with her permission) I heard a report on campus sexual assault on the radio this morning, and wonder if this report might be a topic of discussion for the Moon Room blog. The interesting finding of a study by a professor at Bucknell …

Placement info by program for graduates

The attached document was prepared by Alan Mueller for the Board of Trustees. It includes survey data of Guilford graduates from the past five years on what they’ve done since graduating.  I thought you’d find it interesting. 2009-13 Graduate Placement Information Note: There’s a temptation in any data set that lists numbers by program to sort …