Invitation to participate in SNCURCS

Melanie Lee-Brown invites faculty and students to be involved in a statewide conference for undergraduate research.  Her message is here:

Hello Colleagues!
Attached is the announcement for this year’s SNCURCS! A multidisciplinary (think GUS state wide), one day meeting for the state that will be held at HPU!
Abstract submission deadline is October 16th and registration deadline is October 30th! Talk to your students! It’s a wonderful meeting for faculty to network and to be with your students when they present OR if there is a promising student who is interested in doing a research project with you get them excited by taking them to this meeting! Think of the possibilities! And if you need more ideas just give me a call! I will see about arranging vans for students and faculty who would like to car pool for the day. If you register, I’ll get your name! Consider this an extension of the classroom that is too precious to pass up!

Let me know if you need more information!

The flyer she mentions is here: Annnouncement for SNCURCS