Comments from notecards at community forum, April 8, 2015

We held a community forum on a fair salary policy on April 8, 2015. There’s more information about this including other materials here: Salary Policy Home.

The following comments were received on anonymous notecards turned in at the forum.

Regarding concepts for Guilford to consider

Staff: Using level of education to determine pay difference for similar positions across campus (Bachelor’s vs. Master’s)


Process – A need for an appeal process regarding salaries. As a part time faculty member the Dean cut my salary for a course I had taught for several years, and she stated my salary for those several years “had been a mistake.” Human Resources could offer no help – they don’t know anything about faculty salaries – and neither was the ombudsperson. I was told I could just not teach any longer if I didn’t like it. Later, in another situation I realized I had not been paid for a course taught the year before. The dean acknowledged I hadn’t been paid, but tried to tell me it was too late. I threatened a lawsuit and got paid, but there’s too much power in that position!


Faculty Forward – adjuncts and non-tenure-track campaign for a livable wage – April Parker